Posted: Post subject: I Want A Grown Carolina Guy I Can Take Seriously Here |
I have been on here for a while and know there are Carolina guys looking for a transwoman to date or have a LTR with. But, it seems they do not contact anyone, are just looking at pictures or do not have much to say. Why is that?
I would like to find a good guy who has something more than a sentence or two to say about himself in his profile and can say much more in a message to a transwoman. Somehow, 'Hi. How are you?' just does not cut it. I know it may be hard for you guys, but show that you are serious please. Half-heartedly written profiles come across as lazy and 2 or 3 word messages are not taken seriously. If you think you found someone worth your time to contact, then they should be worth your time to respond with a paragraph about yourself & why you chose to respond. This is a good way to show us transwomen that there is actually more to you than the barely filled out profile. If you really do not have much to say, then what is the point of being here? If you do not want to talk to any transwomen, why did you join?
I like a man who does his best, despite the odds against him, and still be that good guy in spite of his bad luck here (or any other personals site). I am not looking for perfection (I do not think most transwoman are either) & never cared for that. I do expect a grown person to act like a grown person. If a guy does not respond to my message to him, I just move on. If a guy tells me he is not interested in getting to know me, I can tell him 'Thanks, have a nice day and good luck'. I am not every guy's type and every guy is not my type. I realized that a long time ago and hope some guys have too. Still, good communication does help here.
I am not one of those angry transwomen, despite what you may think. I am too old for that. But, I just want maturity here. I also appreciate straight-forwardness too. If you are one of those 'shy guys', then let a woman know. She has no way of figuring that out by a 2 sentence profile if it is not mentioned. If you are not sure of what you want beyond talking to a transwoman, say that. If you have zero dating experience with a transwoman, but would like to genuinely date, just admit it. I would rather have upfront honesty than to have drama later on. Of course, if you are the type that likes drama (hey, there are some that thrive on it- both guys & girls), disregard what I wrote above.
I actually did not plan on writing this 'pseudo-rant' (did I spell that right? I do not feel like looking it up...). I actually was just going to post something to reach out to the Carolina folks here. If you only live about 30 miles from somone on here, why not say 'Howdy' and try to get to know them? I have seen ads from guys that live in the next town over and never heard a word from them. But, they say they are looking for a good transwoman to talk to, go out with and have a LTR with. So what is the problem? They could not be scared. Or could they? Hmmm. That could be a post for another time... Later folks.